1. Prologue
An ant marooned on a leaf as it circles down a millstream may be observed twitching his antenna as he contemplates the water in the best attempt, he can to ascertain the physical parameters of his surroundings. He may well be constrained to confine his observations to...
2. The Physical Environment
Including time, the physical environment has four dimensions, all, as far as our senses can tell, extending out to infinity in each direction. In the case of space we have become used to mind-bending numbers of light years describing the distance of the more remote...
3. Life
As in many classifications, there is no hard and fast boundary between the organic and the inorganic. An organism must be able to reproduce itself and be capable of action to make the most of its environment, but crystals of inorganic substances can do this and nobody...
4. Man
Man has been with the earth for several millions of years. Perhaps five, perhaps two, or perhaps less, depending on how the difference between man and a man-like ape is defined. At all events it is quite a long time in human terms; long enough for the ice-sheets to...
5. Race
Everybody knows about evolution by natural selection, mutations and survival of the fittest. It is the mechanism that has made intelligent life possible; without this means of improving efficiency we should still be part of the primeval soup. The mechanism leads to...
6. Religion
Religions are theories about the meaning of life. Commonly they have three interwoven elements: a morality, a theology and a feeling of ecstasy. Some sort of morality, or code of conduct is a pre-requisite of the success of an intelligent social animal with a long...
7. Theology
The second attribute of most religions is theology, and a great deal of effort has commonly been expended in trying to get it right although aesthetes of many faiths may in the end largely dispense with it. The wide range of theologies that modern communications now...
8. The Nature of Perceived Reality
Each person has one ultimate point of reference - himself. He may choose delegated reference points, such as a universe, a star, a mother, a lover, a god or a pope, but their authority for him derives from his decision under whatever pressures there may be, to make...