The brain is an electro-chemical entity, which in the case of humans is stated by one author to contain some 1011 self-organising neurones with some 1014 connections.  Whatever the precise numbers, the human brain is of huge complexity, with a processing power dwarfing that of today’s most advanced silicon based computers.  To deduce, from this undoubted fact, that the human brain is not a computer is, though, to make a deduction too far.

An animal obtains its data input from sensory organs genetically skewed to suit its environmental niche.  Its brain (or whatever it has standing in for a brain) proceeds to evaluate the data by a complex referencing against the inbuilt programmes constituting its “knowledge” (part genetic and part acquired), and causes its associated motor nerves to take the best available action to meet the circumstances.  Behaviour in animals other than humans is to a large degree predictable and in many cases can be modified by experience, a process which has to mean some degree of reorganisation within individual cells or neurones and their connections, however achieved.  It is difficult to see how any informed person can seriously doubt an assessment that the brains of such animals are behaving like computers, whether or not they also contain a phantom presence which constitutes life.  

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