Terms & Conditions

Last updated October 2021


‘Directive’ – authorised officers of rabeden.com

Creative material’ – any material created by third parties that expresses a cultural point of view. The creative material will normally be contained within a digital file. Unless agreed with the Directive, we do not accept physical creative material such as hard-copy manuscripts, etc. Any such unsolicited material received will be returned to the sender unopened and postage will be paid by the sender on receipt of the goods.

‘Submitted material’ – any creative material that has been submitted to www.rabeden.com by an authorised copyright holder or person.

‘Copyright holder’ – the authorised owner of the creative material submitted to rabeden.com. It is incumbent on the copyright holder to provide sufficient information to corroborate ownership of copyright.

‘Submitter’ – the authorised person of the creative material who submits a sample of the creative material to the Directive of rabeden.com.

‘The site, our site, the website, the platform’ – rabeden.com

‘SC account’ – a Simple Cooperation account is one belonging to a copyright holder, and where creative material is published in its entirety and is open to a voluntary PayPal donation. All payments received via this channel will be retained by rabeden.com and will be used to continue to improve the service of providing a platform for creative material that has not previously been available for general release. However, if a threshold value of 100€ or more is achieved on any single piece of creative material, the Directive of rabeden.com will use its discretion to share Paypal donations with the copyright holder. Any such payments considered for release will be shared with the copyright holder on a 50:50 basis.

‘AC account’ – An Advanced Cooperation account is one belonging to a copyright holder, and where most of the creative material is hidden behind a paywall. In the event that a publisher (Internet or conventional) expresses interest in publication, AC account holders will retain the proceeds of the payment and pay a commission to rabeden.com.


Welcome to RabEden.com, a website on which original, yet little known creative material is showcased.

In using our website, you agree, on behalf of yourself and anyone else who uses your account for access to our platform, to the following conditions:

Our website, rabeden.com is a platform that is open to anyone who meets the following criteria:

  • is in possession (copyright holder) of a body of work that includes any work of creative endeavour that has the potential to be showcased digitally,
  • that the body of work has not previously been published in any outlet which may exercise commercial or copyright control over said material,
  • that copyright is not owned by any party other than the owner of the body of work,
  • that the submitting party is in possession of all rights over the copyright of the material that is being submitting,
  • The copyright holder of the submitted material is defined as the person who is in possession of the copyright over said material and who is able to fully authorise its use on a digital platform.
  • Whilst it is not a condition that the creative material submitted to us and published on rabeden.com be solely placed on this platform, we would kind of hope that this is the case.
  • If a lead from a mass-media publisher is directed to you from our site, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions in respect of any commissions payable.

When you use our website or any of our services, you agree also to be subject to any guidelines, terms and agreements that may be periodically published in relation to the services provided by us.

Where there is any identifiable inconsistency between any of these documents or agreements, the terms of these Conditions of Use will take precedence.

Privacy Policy

In using the services provided by rabeden.com, you also agree to the terms presented in the Privacy Policy, which also governs your use of our website.

Communication and Email

When you use the services offered by this platform, you agree to receive communications and emails from us advising you of updates and other information that is important for your correct use of our site and the upholding of the integrity of the site and its objectives.

To communicate with us, we can be reached by various means: via email, the contact page, or via the comment section on our website. We make no promises, but we will try to return any relevant communication you open with us within 24 hours.

In the event that you enter into a financial arrangement with us, whether for royalties for using our site as a platform for your submitted body of work, or for requesting access to use some of the contributions on our site, you will be added to our mailing list and will be subject to this legal agreement.

Social Media

We believe that there exists a significant body of creative work, created by people at a time when the Internet was unavailable, that consequently remains undiscovered by the general population.

As the originator of the ideas behind construction of this website, Robert (Rab) Eden was amongst those unheralded ranks, and for this reason, we have created a platform on which like-minded people can showcase their ancestors’ work with no cost, and little cost if it is taken up by a mass-market publisher.

However, we reserve judgement as to how creative material that is published on our platform is to be marketed.

We are not yet widely recognised, and we sincerely hope to build an audience that is discerning in its views and equitable in its social aspirations.

As our platform grows we remain open to suggestions from our users as to how they would like to see their material made available for general exposure.

All of the above said, the Directive of our website will market selected material published on our site on any and all platforms that we consider to be ethically sound.

Submissions to rabeden.com

We welcome new material to be published on our website. rabeden.com has been created to showcase creative material that has not enjoyed widespread release but that, in the opinion of the copyright owner and the Directive of our website should be provided with more exposure, simply for its cultural value and its contribution to our collective understanding of the world around us.

Cooperation between the Copyright Holder and rabeden.com

rabeden.com offers two principal forms of cooperation. These are detailed below:

Simple collaboration (SC):

  1. A sample of the creative material can be submitted to the Directive of our website using the submission form provided.
  2. Once the creative material has been received by the Directive of rabeden.com, the submitter of the creative material will receive an email acknowledging receipt.
  3. The sample creative material will be assessed by the Directive of rabeden.com and a communication sent to the email associated with the submission as to the suitability of the material submitted for uploading to our platform. We make no promises but we will try to complete the process within 5 working days.
  4. The Directive of rabeden.com strictly reserves the right to decide which material is showcased on the website and, if successful, the submitter may provide further creative material for submission.

Financial considerations of SC

  1. If accepted for showcasing, SC creative material will be made available for public release in its entirety. The creative material will be accompanied with a PayPal donation button that permits users of the website to demonstrate their appreciation of the works.
  2. Any monies received via the PayPal donation button up to a limit of 100€ will be retained by rabeden.com and used to improve the service provided.
  3. Any monies received on any single item of creative material above 100€ will be shared 50:50 with the owner of the copyright of the creative material.
  4. If a user of the website demonstrates an interest in publishing or promoting any of the creative material showcased on rabeden.com to a wider audience, the owner of the copyright of the creative material agrees to pay a commission rate to rabeden.com of 8% of any royalties received  for use of the creative material.  

At a date to be announced shortly, it is intended that, once a submitter has been accepted to showcase creative material on rabeden.com, they will be able to do so from their own control panel. This feature will be rolled out once Beta-testing has been completed.

Advanced Collaboration (AC):

Should the copyright owner of creative material wish to provide only a limited sample of the creative work, with the remainder being hidden behind a paywall, the advanced collaboration option should be chosen. Once the copyright owner has indicated their preference for AC, direct communication with the Directive of rabeden.com will ensue. The steps undertaken by the parties will normally proceed as follows:

  1. A sample of the creative material is submitted to rabeden.com using the form provided.
  2. The sample creative material is assessed by the Directive of the website and a communication sent to the email associated with the submission as to the suitability of the material submitted.
  3. The Directive of of the website strictly reserves the right to decide which material is showcased on the website and, if successful, the submitter may provide further creative material for submission. Unsuccessful submissions will be acknowledged as such as soon as possible and, although we cannot make any promises, we would hope to inform the submitter of the creative material within 5 working days.

Financial considerations of AC

  • On acceptance for publication on rabeden.com, an introduction to the content of each item of the creative material submitted and accepted for display will be made available for public release. The remainder of the creative material will be hidden behind a paywall linked to a PayPal account managed by the Directive of rabeden.com.
  • The price set for access to the remainder of the creative material, or to download a pdf file of said material, will be set by the copyright holder of the creative material in agreement with the Directive.
  • Any monies received via the PayPal account will be subject to a commission of 15%. The remainder (85%) will be paid directly to an account designated by the copyright holder of the AC creative material. Payments will be made to the copyright holder of any creative material, part of an AC account, within a period of five (5) working days of receipt of payment by rabeden.com.

At a later date it is intended that, once a submitter has been accepted to showcase AC creative material on our website, they will be able to do so from their own control panel in order to manage their own corner of our site. This feature will be rolled out once Beta-testing has been completed.

It is clearly understood that all submissions made directly to rabeden.com will remain unpublished until approved by the Directive of tghe website.

Use of our website

The use of our website is free and access to the material showcased is also free, unless otherwise stated. Any free material we publish on our site is provided with no strings attached. However, in order to ensure that we can continue providing a service to our users, we provide a PayPal donation option for any material that is made available for use.

The material showcased on the site is free to download and enjoy. It shall not, however, be used in any commercial capacity. If any material showcased on our site is of interest to be used in a commercial capacity, the intended user of said material should contact us via rabeden@rabeden.com both for permission to use the creative material or interest and to agree, together with the copyright holder, a commission for said use.

The intention and end use of any creative material for commercial activities must be clearly outlined both to the Directive of rabeden.com and the copyright holder, with written permission being provided once all parties are safisfied that the material will not be used for the purpose of misinformation or other nefarious ends. .

The copyright owner of any material showcased on this site agrees that anything that has been published in its entirety can be freely downloaded for personal enjoyment unless otherwise stated. A PayPal donation button is provide on all content for users / browsers to contribute to the costs of providing the service if they freely choose to do so.

Any submissions (those usually associated with an AC account)  that are not free to download will be truncated to provide an introduction only of the creative material. The rest of the creative material can be downloaded on payment of the agreed fee.

The use of any creative material downloaded from rabeden.com must not be used for any nefarious ends. This includes using authors’ names or creative material for association with pornography, or any fraudulent activity. The copyright holder and the Directive of the website retain the absolute right to challenge any use of any material that is downloaded from our platform if it is used for such activities, and a Cease and Desist Order will be sent immediately on discovery of any use that breeches these Terms and Conditions.


Payment, where applicable, for creative material, is for personal use only unless otherwise agreed with the Directive of the website and the copyright holder of the creative material.

Commercial use of any creative material is subject to the conditions detailed above. In any case, payment to the copyright holder via rabeden.com is for limited use of the material and all creative materials remain the property of the copyright holder.

PayPal transactions is our current method of payment. Payment must be made in full before access to any creative material that is located behind a paywall.


We take the security of all our customers and transactional data very seriously. Whilst we cannot totally guarantee that our site is 100% secure from the most malicious of hackers, we try to ensure that all relevant security measures are employed in the construction of our website.

We are confident that any information you provide us with is secure and will not be exposed to third-party companies. In any event, we undertake not to sell or share any private information with third-party companies.

Cancellation / Refund Policy

Due to the nature of the goods and services offered on this website (i.e. digital and information products) including text, images and other digital format files, full and partial refunds are not offered because of the impossibility of returning any downloaded items or knowledge received after purchase.

In the case of creative material being faulty in any way, our liability is limited to the full purchase price of the item in question and we will ask for full disclosure as to the reason the product does not reach your expectations. You will also be required to provide full indemnity for both rabeden.com and the copyright owner of creative material, as well as a written assurance that any material downloaded from the website will not be used in any commercial enterprise (including personal websites) without full payment as laid out in these terms and conditions.

rabeden.com does not accept any responsibility or liability for third-party service providers that have been sourced through this website, or that have been linked in any manner to our website.

Support & Availability

Product support is provided to customers who make a purchase for material from rabeden.com. We cannot offer support for free creative material available on the website.

Support is provided via rabeden@rabeden.com or via our contact page.

No support is available for third party products or services, nor do we provide support for our own products when obtained through third parties, unless through an authorised 3rd party marketplace.

When you download or purchase any creative material product, you will have the option to be added to our email list. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe button in the footer of the email. We try our best to get back to emails and other support requests within 24-48 hrs Mon-Friday.

Unless otherwise stated, the services featured on this website are available on a Global Basis, and all advertising is intended for the Global market.

Other than the provisions described above, you are solely responsible for evaluating the fitness for a particular purpose of any downloads, files or text available through this site. Redistribution or republication of any part of this site or its content is prohibited, including such by framing or other similar or any other means, without the express written consent of the Directive.

We cannot warrant that the service from this site will be uninterrupted, timely or error free, although it is provided to the best of our ability.

By using this service you thereby indemnifythe Directive of rabeden.com, as well as its employees, agents and affiliates against any loss or damage, in whatever manner, howsoever caused.

You agree to absolve rabeden.com of any responsibility in terms of copyright infringement in the event that the copyright of any work that is published on our platform is subsequently shown not to belong to the person who originally submitted the work. In such an eventuality, we agree that we will promptly remove the identified creative material and will be absolved of any further legal responsibility for its unauthorised dissemination.


The contents of this website is property of rabeden.com or its authorised collaborators. If illegal distribution is detected, legal action against the perpetrator will ensue. By using our site, you agree to respect all copyright claims by the website owners and the copyright owners of the creative material showcased here.

You can also view our full privacy policy here.

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