1. Antecedents

Thanks largely to the researches of my brother Richard from 1994 onwards; we have now become reasonably well informed on some aspects of our family ancestry. At the change of the millennium this work is still in progress, and will be summarized separately. My main...

2. Wood Green

Time being a distinctly questionable aspect of creation, I have anticipated a little in my ramble through antecedents, but in principle, these were the circles into which I was inducted on 14 August 1920 and my brother Richard on 2 July 1922. I had seven happy settled...

3. Hertfordshire

My father was promoted to the position of Headmaster in 1927. This promotion was preceded by more than one effort, each of which involved several sets of interviews – first for preparation of a short-list and then for final selection. My father was never exactly...

4. Hertford Grammar School

In August 1929 I was moved from Applecroft Primary School to Hertford Grammar School. The fees were £5 per term. I believe this was a little less than the fees at Hitchin Grammar School, but only half of the £10 charged by St Albans Grammar School. As there was no...

5. Cornwall and Other Places

By the early thirties, my parents had abandoned the Workers’ Travel Association, purchased two white ridge tents, and become pioneer car-borne campers.  For a number of years, our regular summer run was to Pendower Beach on the south Cornish coast, via Honiton,...
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