To long slow sigh of ocean’s empty song
I wrote one name in sand …
Then one name more.
Hot sand.
And sat to watch the lonely shadows creep,
Shades on a distant dreaming sunlit shore.

The murmured touch of timeless summers past,
The ocean in the breeze.
With careful scrawl,
Hot breeze,
I scored those names away before the tide
Across my work could cruelly cruelly crawl.

A thousand thousand years a thousand times
Will pass, but still the rocks
Recall my names,
For see –
Two grains lie slightly skewed and out of place …
Our monument forever here remains.

RAE, 27 May 2001.

To long slow sigh of ocean’s empty song
I wrote one name in sand …
Then one name more.
Hot sand.
And sat to watch the lonely shadows creep,
Shades on a distant dreaming sunlit shore.

The murmured touch of timeless summers past,
The ocean in the breeze.
With careful scrawl,
Hot breeze,
I scored those names away before the tide
Across my work could cruelly cruelly crawl.

A thousand thousand years a thousand times
Will pass, but still the rocks
Recall my names,
For see –
Two grains lie slightly skewed and out of place …
Our monument forever here remains.

RAE, 27 May 2001.

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