Nor friend nor foe
But neutral to all thought,
The tilting sky leans too and fro,
Whilst the long rollers surge past on their task
Of aimless travel through the maiden years.
Too and fro, and too and fro again
The restless hills for ever roll in vain.

Fleet bird of morn,
Swoop in the crystal troughs,
Swing in the sparkling dawn;
Brave traveller on the wings of changing worlds,
Swift flash of joy shot through the ocean void,
Sweep low, sweep high and turn in gleaming light,
Lonely, hopeful spirit of delight.

Is this the truth?
The reason for ten trillion stars?
The mindless ocean’s slender proof
Of something warm beyond the veil of time?
Something which gleams and vanishes in light?

The elfin dolphins gliding elfin call
‘Come play, come ride with us ….
We know ….
We hope ….
We are ….
We feel it all.’

RAE, 20th March 1983

Nor friend nor foe
But neutral to all thought,
The tilting sky leans too and fro,
Whilst the long rollers surge past on their task
Of aimless travel through the maiden years.
Too and fro, and too and fro again
The restless hills for ever roll in vain.

Fleet bird of morn,
Swoop in the crystal troughs,
Swing in the sparkling dawn;
Brave traveller on the wings of changing worlds,
Swift flash of joy shot through the ocean void,
Sweep low, sweep high and turn in gleaming light,
Lonely, hopeful spirit of delight.

Is this the truth?
The reason for ten trillion stars?
The mindless ocean’s slender proof
Of something warm beyond the veil of time?
Something which gleams and vanishes in light?

The elfin dolphins gliding elfin call
‘Come play, come ride with us ….
We know ….
We hope ….
We are ….
We feel it all.’

RAE, 20th March 1983

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